GEDCOM Processing Tool

File Processing

Family Tree Maker Import Instructions

Step 1: Import the Modified GEDCOM

  1. Open Family Tree Maker
  2. Go to File > Open
  3. Change file type to GEDCOM
  4. Select your modified GEDCOM file
  5. Click "Open"
  6. Click "Continue" on any prompts

Step 2: Customize the View

  1. Click "Customize View"
  2. Add DNA, NOK, etc.
  3. Add BAPM (Baptism)

Step 3: Tree Generation Settings

  1. In "Items to Include" add BAPM
  2. Order it to where "Also Known As" would normally go
  3. Unselect the following options:
    • Date
    • Include "in" before phrase
    • Description
    • Include only preferred facts
    • Include fact label

Step 4: Font Settings for BAPM

  • Font: Tahoma
  • Size: 8
  • Color: dimgray
  • Alignment: Center
  • Style: Bold